Standard Shipping
  • Each time you place an order, our courier provides a delivery estimate (kind of like an ETA). This will give you an idea of how long parcels like yours typically take to travel the route you’ve chosen but remember these are not a guaranteed delivery date as we send everything by road transport.
  • Standard delivery can take longer during busier holiday periods.
  • Deliveries are not actioned on public holidays cause we are busy doing other fun, non-work things.
  • All standard deliveries must go to a postal address and not a PO Box.
Shipping Costs
  • Standard Shipping on orders under $100.00 is a flat rate of $7.00.
  • Express Shipping is an option for a flat fee of $10.00.
We charge pending whereabouts your package needs to be sent to:
  • New Zealand, USA, UK, Canada, Europe: $19.99
  • South America: $29.99
  • Everywhere Else: $39.99
Please Note
  • Due to the current COVID situation and Australia’s restrictions, some destinations are not available for shipping at this time.
  • Shipping may take longer than usual due to COVID-19
  • We use biodegradable and compostable shipping bags on all of our orders.
Incorrect Shipping Details
  • On the off chance your order has been dispatched and you have put in the incorrect address, Flores de Melo is not responsible in retrieving the package. Should the package be returned to Flores de Melo, we will happily send a new package for a $15 fee. This fee must be paid prior to dispatch.